understanding Separation Agreements in toronto ontario

What is a Separation Agreement and the Benefits of a Separation Agreement?

A Separation Agreement is a private contract made between separating spouses, or common law partners, in an effort to resolve property, support, or parenting issues. Due to the fact that these issues can be quite complicated, they can have a major and long-term impact on your rights and obligations.  Therefore, consulting with a lawyer to […]

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Separation Agreements documents in toronto ontario

Separation Agreements

A Separation Agreement is a private contract made between separating spouses, or common law partners, in an effort to resolve property, support, or parenting issues. Due to the fact that these issues can be quite complicated, they can have a major and long-term impact on your rights and obligations.  Therefore, consulting with a lawyer to […]

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Section 7 Expenses in ontario family law

Section 7 Expenses

Section 7 of the Federal Child Support Guidelines (Guidelines) specifically addresses those “special or extraordinary expenses” which the basic monthly child support or table amount does not include.  Section 7 outlines the categories of special or extraordinary expenses which include: child care expenses incurred as a result of the custodial parent’s employment, illness, disability or […]

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how to create a parent plan in ontario family law

3 Things Every Parenting Plan Should Have

A parenting plan is a useful document all separated spouses should have as part of their parenting arrangement. These plans outline parents’ respective rights and the extent of their involvement with their children. They are more than mere time-splitting schedules; parenting plans are a contract between parents about childrearing and provide consistent structure in kids’ […]

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Travel Consent

What is a Travel Consent?  Travel consent applies to a child who is either traveling alone, with only one parent/guardian, friends, relatives or a group (e.g. sports, school, musical, religious). Although there is no Canadian legal requirement for children to carry a travel consent, a travel consent may be requested by immigration authorities when a […]

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dispute resolution officers in ontario family law

Dispute Resolution Officers

Dispute Resolution Officers (“DRO’s”) are experienced family law lawyers in all areas of family law who has been carefully selected by the court to meet the parties and assist them in settling their matter. The DRO will not only speak with parties and their counsel, but also suggesting different mechanisms for resolution which will satisfy […]

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collaborative law in ontario

Benefits of the Collaborative Process

Collaborative Family Law is also known as the CFL process. It focuses on an interest-based negotiation method and is a voluntary process.  The parties resolve their disputes respectfully, with the assistance and guidance from their lawyers (and other professionals if necessary) to achieve a settlement that meets the specific needs of all parties involved. One […]

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what to expect during a divorce in ontario

What to expect when getting a divorce

5 Steps To A Clean Break When you’re getting a divorce for the first time, the unknown waters are murky to navigate, to say the least. The last things you want after a separation are the hefty fees and emotional strain of a drawn-out legal battle. To help prepare you for this journey and save […]

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procedure on chalk board

What is a Case Conference in Family Court?

In short, a case conference is an off-the-record, private meeting between parties of a case, their lawyers and a master or judge in a courtroom. For some cases at the Superior Court, and all cases at the Ontario Court of Justice, a first court date or first appearance is a required first step.  Article Summary […]

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