Collaborative Family Law is also known as the CFL process. It focuses on an interest-based negotiation method and is a voluntary process. The parties resolve their disputes respectfully, with the assistance and guidance from their lawyers (and other professionals if necessary) to achieve a settlement that meets the specific needs of all parties involved.
One of the benefits of the CFL process is that it emphasises on cooperation without the threat of litigation. CFL focuses on treating the separation process as a negotiation rather than a court battle, which will minimize the stress. CFL is also generally more cost efficient and takes less time than going to court.
Another benefit of the CFL process is that it is a team approach which includes not only lawyers but also family and financial professionals. These professionals are part of the process and assist the parties in coming to a resolution. Parenting professionals are especially helpful and they can assist during the negotiation and in the future. CFL addresses and recognizes the emotional issues that will not be addressed by the legal system.
One of the best benefits in my opinion is that from my experience, the parties that resolve their issues using the CFL process are able to continue to communicate in the future and maintain a positive relationship, which in turn benefits the children.
If you would like to speak with one of our lawyers regarding further issues related to this topic please contact us at (416) 840-1475 or schedule your free initial consultation here.