Separation Agreements documents in toronto ontario

Separation Agreements

A Separation Agreement is a private contract made between separating spouses, or common law partners, in an effort to resolve property, support, or parenting issues. Due to the fact that these issues can be quite complicated, they can have a major and long-term impact on your rights and obligations.  Therefore, consulting with a lawyer to […]

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Section 7 Expenses in ontario family law

Section 7 Expenses

Section 7 of the Federal Child Support Guidelines (Guidelines) specifically addresses those “special or extraordinary expenses” which the basic monthly child support or table amount does not include.  Section 7 outlines the categories of special or extraordinary expenses which include: child care expenses incurred as a result of the custodial parent’s employment, illness, disability or […]

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how to create a parent plan in ontario family law

3 Things Every Parenting Plan Should Have

A parenting plan is a useful document all separated spouses should have as part of their parenting arrangement. These plans outline parents’ respective rights and the extent of their involvement with their children. They are more than mere time-splitting schedules; parenting plans are a contract between parents about childrearing and provide consistent structure in kids’ […]

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parental alienation concerns in ontaro

Parental Alienation

A child’s position in the middle of their parents’ conflict is a scary and uncertain place to be in. As parents, it’s important to ensure that you and your spouse are not participating in parental alienation, as doing so will only exacerbate your child’s pain in an already difficult time. What is Parental Alienation? Parental […]

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