procedure on chalk board

What is a Case Conference in Family Court?

In short, a case conference is an off-the-record, private meeting between parties of a case, their lawyers and a master or judge in a courtroom. For some cases at the Superior Court, and all cases at the Ontario Court of Justice, a first court date or first appearance is a required first step.  Article Summary […]

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child looking through window at airplane

My Spouse Refuses to Let Me Travel With My Child

Your vacation time is here. But what happens when your spouse refuses to let you travel with your child? My spouse and I have just started our family law matter and he/she refuses to let me travel outside of Canada with my child! What do I do? Does your child need travel consent? When both […]

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spousal support sign

Do I have to pay spousal support?

Defining Spousal Support “Spousal support”, or “alimony” is the money payed by one spouse to the other, for their financial support following a separation or divorce. Spousal support is paid either on a monthly basis, or as a lump sum. In Ontario, spousal support is not an automatic right, but in the case that your spouse […]

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Your Matrimonial Home: After a Separation, Can You Change the Locks?

Your Matrimonial Home: After a Separation, Can You Change the Locks?

You were married. Now you’re separated (but not yet divorced). You own a Matrimonial Home jointly with your former spouse.  Can you change the locks on your shared home? In Ontario, generally, the legal answer to this is no. Let’s break down why.  What Happens During A Separation? Ontario requires couples to separate for a […]

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